Thursday, June 18, 2009

out in space


Monday, June 1, 2009

more writing

im just going to write
nothing important
just cleaning again
i eat allot of cereal
i had three bowls about a half hour ago
special k satisfaction.
i had a little conversation with my mom that went like this:
me: the "k" in special k stands for "kids"
mom: k mart?
me: what?
i chuckled
im still walking every night
i went out a bit early today
had a cig
cause im so "bad ass" like that.
it rained on me
for about three minuets
it was refreshing
the rain cleans me
if you like rain, you like life.
if you like life, you like rain.
i had a good drama class today
just told jokes
and sat
and laughed
me: why couldnt the cucumber stand up?
me: because its a cucumber.
all: ha ha ha ha
i made that joke
because im so "stand up"
this lady came to my door
i recognized her because it wasnt her first time doing so
that conversation went like this,
me: can i help you?
lady: my cat is stuck in your shed again
me: i will get the keys
she is so white trash
it warms my soul.
i cant choose who i should date
theres three candidates.
one boy
two girls
im not using names
because they may stumble across this
fat chance.
but, i think i will go with one of the gals
she seems to like me
her: keep my paint dry
her: breathe moisture on it
her: thank you.
out of nowhere she thanked me
it was a good moment.
i went to my friends barbacue
no names.
long story short
i smoked a cigar with someone,
had a beer,
and the band got the police called on us
because we were too loud
then i went to see tv on the radio
at the burton cummings
it was okay, kind of short
good night.
i type too much
and still, too little.
catch you on the "flip side"
