Monday, October 19, 2009

more shabby poetry

I'm feeling shabby today.
Can't say why.
Cause' i dont know the reason.
I'm feeling shabby today.
Won't say why.
Its just a change in season.

My clothes are old.
My clothes are worn.
My hands are cold.
My breath is warm.

Moan for me.
I gave you tea.
It's not for free.
So moan for me.

I'm submissive.
You're permissive.
(wink wink)

When i yelp.
I need your help.


i hate

i hate when somone tells me im attractive, and i cant honestly say the same about them, even though its what they want to hear.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

meerkat language

things you hear me say?

no worries: i say this allot, i dont worry about allot
spaded: horny
roight: english accent on right, sarcasm
skeet skeet: i say it when im bored
im sorry: i say it allot when im drunk
i got it: i say it when i know i can do something
kinda thing: i add it to the end of sentences sometimes
your a goof: somebody is being like... a goof
awh, buddy: i think i picked that up from brendan
kiddo: i call everyone kiddo
maybe...: i think i got that from brendan too

thats all i can think of for now
more later
