Saturday, August 15, 2009

more rhymes

phones ring
fat ladies sing

hot summer days
cut offs with frays

pidgeons with bread
inside my head

knowlage is power
makes politicians cower

hot in the shower
high in my tower

get your pet
back to the vet

head in the clouds
walking through crowds

when i go to the forest
i pick trees for the florist

went to the path again
so i could feel the rain


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


stand to see the sunrise
settle for a compromise

expand before you minimize
contract before you maximize

you talk, i listen
you shine, i glisten

im magic
your tragic

i play tetris
on my mattress

menthol in my cigarette
salad with my vinaigrette

my shot gun
your pot, hun

scream when it hurts
sing when it flirts

i choose you


Monday, August 10, 2009


i will never forget the time my mom typed "at" instead of "@" while typing out her e-mail.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

omegle boggle squabble

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hello
Stranger: Y halo thar.
You: im eating peanuts
You: they are salty
You: and they are giving me heart burn
Stranger: Heartburn?
You: but im going to keep eating them anyways
Stranger: From Peanuts?
You: yep
Stranger: My mind is boggled.
You: then my plan to boggle your mind worked
You: for you see
You: i am the mind boggler
Stranger: Oh no!
You: *rips off disguise*
You: oh yes
Stranger: I thought I recognized your voice!
Stranger: But you have fallen into my trap!
You: what?
Stranger: *Rips off disguise*
You: it cant be!
Stranger: Behold! I am... the Un-Boggler!
You: i thought i got rid of you years ago on that fatefull day in korea
Stranger: You thought wrong, Boggler! Now, prepare to be vanquished!
You: never!
Stranger: Okay, I'll just vanquish you unprepared then!
Stranger: *Fires laser cannon!*
You: noooo! my one weakness!
You: *melts into a puddle*
Stranger: Away! *Throws smoke bomb and disappears into the night!*