Tuesday, August 4, 2009

omegle boggle squabble

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hello
Stranger: Y halo thar.
You: im eating peanuts
You: they are salty
You: and they are giving me heart burn
Stranger: Heartburn?
You: but im going to keep eating them anyways
Stranger: From Peanuts?
You: yep
Stranger: My mind is boggled.
You: then my plan to boggle your mind worked
You: for you see
You: i am the mind boggler
Stranger: Oh no!
You: *rips off disguise*
You: oh yes
Stranger: I thought I recognized your voice!
Stranger: But you have fallen into my trap!
You: what?
Stranger: *Rips off disguise*
You: it cant be!
Stranger: Behold! I am... the Un-Boggler!
You: i thought i got rid of you years ago on that fatefull day in korea
Stranger: You thought wrong, Boggler! Now, prepare to be vanquished!
You: never!
Stranger: Okay, I'll just vanquish you unprepared then!
Stranger: *Fires laser cannon!*
You: noooo! my one weakness!
You: *melts into a puddle*
Stranger: Away! *Throws smoke bomb and disappears into the night!*


Anonymous said...




