Monday, September 28, 2009

pizza plunders

working at pizza hotline, the call center
here is how it goes down

people dont know their phone number
people dont know their adress
people dont know the adress of the hotel they are at
people want the pizza delivered to obscure locations like parking lots and parks
people complain that the medium pizzas are too small even though thats what they ordered
people try to use web or walk in coupons even though it says you have to order online or go to the store to use it on the coupon
people let their kids order the pizzas and complain that they did not receive what they told their kid to buy even though the kid never mentioned it
people change their orders every second pizza witch causes confusion
people as me to list the thirty or more toppings
people ask me what they should buy
people say "yes" when i ask them if they want thin or regular crust
people ask me about deals that dont exist then get mad and say they had bought that before even though we never had that deal in the past
people dont know if they live on a street, avenue, cresent, boulivard, drive, place, ect...
people dont tell me they want extra sauce on all the pizzas untill they order all five of them
people dont know if they live in the west, east, south or north
people answer the phone with "i want this pizza" before i can ask them where its going and how its getting there
people call on their cell phones when they are in the car going home when there needs to be a person at the house to pick up the order and if they are not i get in trouble and they get mad
people ask me about obscure deals they heard of then get mad when it takes me a moment to match it with a deal we actually have
people spell their street name wrong
people go "UHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" really loud into the phone between every second word
people who prank call dont know how to prank call and just yell into the phone
people have accents i cant understand for the life of me then get mad and hang up when i ask them to repeat themselves
people want cheese on the bottom of their pizza
people think i can give them free stuff

and thats not even half of it.


Canadian-Raccoon said...

LOL! Sounds like a typical day at work, for sure!