Friday, October 3, 2008

only one person

only one person reads my blog <3!
but im okay with that
i dont need everyone and everything to hear what i say
i'm content with my thoughts
and its nice to get them down
even if i don't write often
i'm like a forgotten pen pal
and when you hear from him its a little treat
even if he has nothing interesting to say
and he repeats himself
and says the same thing over and over
and wont get off the subject
but doesn't notice he is doing it
so he keeps on going
i like to wear scarves
i have eight of them
i put all of them on at one time
and i was very warm
there is a lesson in that
don't ask me what it is
there just is
and you should be cool with that
don't hate
appreciate life
and all its wonders
the wonders that are slowly disappearing
melting away
like a candle
i feel really deep right now
i like to live life with my shoes on the wrong feet
when i eat watermelon, i eat the seeds
dandy lions are just small sunflowers
don't tie a knot, tie a bow
you didn't sink my battle ship, you son of a bitch
i didn't forget, i just forgot to remember
make life your bitch, because everyone likes dogs
peace out


'Nin said...

you rock, triple x hardcore