Saturday, October 4, 2008

strait line

i keep walking in a strait line
i have been for most of my life
i haven't veered away from that line
except that one time
and it ended
it ended in a cliff
and i was hanging there
wanting to let go
and just fall
fall in a strait line
towards the end
but then i walked away from the cliff
stood by my strait line
examined it
thought about it
dreamed about it
then i got back on the line
and kept walking strait
where is this line headed?
and do i want to end up there
for the rest of forever
i need to get out of this line
and into a maze
with twists and turns
you never know where you will end up
and one day you might make it out
and that prize will seem breathtaking
because i will know i went through allot to get it
instead of going in a strait line
i hate this line
i loathe it
i want to bury it in a deep, dark hole
and never unearth it
and go to my maze
i need a maze
but first
i need a shovel


'Nin said...

youre awesome.
just the way you speak and write...

zhang zhi ming said...
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