Sunday, November 2, 2008

i cant go to mars

splended times
sinfull times

i cant go to mars

hatefull times
heartfull times

i cant go to mars

random times
regretfull times

i cant go to mars

disturbing times
distrusting times

i cant go to mars

exotic times
extended times

i cant go to mars

working times
wanting times

i cant go to mars

learning times
lusting times

i cant go to mars

alone times
alert times

i cant go to mars

killer times
kinky times

i cant go to mars

nothing times
nifty times

i cant go to mars

indignant times
ignorant times

i cant go to mars

unusual times
unsatisfying times

i cant go to mars

frightfull times
fuckup times

i cant go to mars

captured times
craving times

i cant go to mars

blissfull times
bashfull times

i cant go to mars

thriller times
thanksfornothing times

i cant go to mars

viscous times
vengfull times

i cant go to mars

youthfull times
yearnfull times

i cant go to mars

jearkoff times
jousting times

i cant go to mars

painfull times
pitifull times

i cant go to mars

masculine times
mating times

i cant go to mars

open times
off times

i cant go to mars

queer times
quenching times

i cant go to mars

gallant times
graphic times

i cant go to mars

zac times
zebra times


or think of two words that start with x


Em said...

xylophone, and xenophobia (fear of foreigners)

nice blog!